Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3.3.2009 - An update

From Moshi Trip 2009

I have finally heard back from living and here's what he had to say:
He has already been to visit the families for the past two weekends, and brought the sweaters (that I forgot) to all of the children, and the receipt for Hamisi's payment to Njoro.

Ramadani was not able to buy shoes for the children with the money that I gave him. After buying all of the uniforms there was only enough money to buy one more pair of shoes, leaving two of the kids without, so none were bought. Ramadani left the remaining 13,000 TSH (about 10 dollars) with Living. I am now trying to find a way to turn money for one pair of shoes into enough money to buy three pairs of shoes. Not so sure how that's going to work out.

Also, on a more depressing note, all of the food that I bought for the Ramadani family has run out. The quantity I bought should have lasted quite a bit longer with more appropriate portion sizes. Maybe that is something I will include in the nutrition lessons next year. As for now...well, I'm sure I'll find a solution to this. They did mention that they loved adding peanut butter to their porrige every morning before school. Weird, huh?

All of the kids are really excited about school, and Abedi is doing especially well (which is always good to hear).

I guess I didn't expect all of the updates to be perfect all of the time, but I think this one has put me back in my place about the way things work in Tanzania. I should have bought the shoes myself. I don't mind learning as I go, but I really hope for the kids' sake that I learn quickly!